Mayumi KUMAGAI's Recipe...
味Taste: Like a Reese’s peanut butter cup but with more unadulterated chocolate and peanut butter flavor.
テクスチャーTexture: The texture is my favorite part of a pudding pie, it’s what I crave. I just love that thick, creamy, luscious pudding paired with the buttery crunch of the graham cracker crust.
作りやすさEase: Surprisingly easy, just get ready to spend some time babysitting the pudding on the stove.
見た目Appearance: Perfection.
長所: Adding peanut butter to one of my all-time favorite pie recipes made me VERY happy.
短所: The pie has to chill before being served which is pure torture.
Would I make this again? I’ve made variations of this recipe more times than I can count.